
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
18.15 - 21.15 (AEDT)
Old Arts Building Theatre D (Room 155)
University of Melbourne, Parkville
What ISDF Is All About
In 2016, World Bank reported that Indonesia was the 8th largest country by GDP (PPP). Further, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in its 2017 report titled "The long view: how will the global economic order change by 2050?" has projected that world economic order in 2050 will change and will make Indonesia the 4th largest country by GDP (PPP). Notwithstanding to the bright projection for Indonesia issued by PwC; however, Indonesia is currently facing a turbulence time caused by problems ranging from multicultural to economic issues. For instance, World Bank in 2017 reported that there are 28.4 million people still living under the national poverty line and 7.02 million people are unemployed (BPS, 2016 as cited in Indonesia-investment.com, 2016).
Considering the problems faced by Indonesia, we, Indonesian students who come from distinct backgrounds and various student’s organisations (Australia Awards Scholars Club (AASC), PPIA - University of Melbourne and Awardee of Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) in Victoria, Australia) have initiated to organise Indonesian Students Discussion Forum (ISDF). The theme of ISDF is Inventing Indonesia's Future Development and the goal of ISDF is to present the best ideas, research, and inventions in all areas of study for Indonesia's future development. In this event, we received thirty-nine (39) abstracts from Indonesian undergraduate and postgraduate students and through selection process, we selected nine (9) abstracts that can be presented in this event. We hope this initiative will invite fresh ideas and unite our collaborations and brings solution for the problem faced by Indonesia.
ISDF will be held on March 27, 2018 at 18.15- 21.15 (AEDT), at University of Melbourne, Parkville (Old Arts Building Theatre D (Room 155)). If you missed to attend our event, you can watch the recap of our event from our YouTube Channel on 15 April 2018 in link below.

Where Great Minds Collides
Sharing Ideas and Networking