

Prof. Vedi Hadiz
Professor and Convenor of Asian Studies at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne
Keynote Speaker:
Two Decades of Reformasi: Reflections on Social and Political Change in Indonesia
The talk discusses continuities and changes in Indonesian politics and society since the fall of Soeharto’s New Order in 1998. While Indonesia is recognised now as the world’s third largest democracy, the benefits of democratisation have not been equally enjoyed across Indonesian society. Economic inequality, for example, has reached new heights in recent years. So who are Indonesian democracy’s greatest beneficiaries and why? Why do some kinds of social interests remain marginalised in spite of two decades of reform? The talk also discusses the recent surge of identity politics in Indonesia and analyses its impact on Indonesia’s future social and political trajectory.
Our Presenters:
Clara Jeanifer
Ilmu Untuk Anak Bangsa (Knowledge for the Child of Nation)
Papua is one of the most promising destination for tourism in Indonesia for its beauty and potentials. However, the inadequacy of capable human resources has left these potentials high and dry; waiting to be harnessed. For example, some local Papuan lack the ability to communicate in both Bahasa and English, which affect the tourism sector gravely. Ilmu Untuk Anak Bangsa (IUAB) is a program designed to improve Papuan’s well-being and Papua’s tourism by teaching Bahasa and English to the local children ranging from five to twelve years old (with and without an education background).

Umunnisa Hidayati
Global refugee crises: Integrating Humanitarian and Economic Development for Refugees to Accelerate a Progress towards A Thriving and Inclusive Society
This topic examines the domains of challenges and resilience in addressing the current global refugee crises. She will discuss that transformative approach by integrating humanitarian assistance into sustainable economic empowerment can improve the lives of refugees and serves the economic interests of the host states. A case study of Jordan that has launched a transformative-based development approach by establishing several special economic zones (SEZs). Integrating humanitarian and economic development in more sustainable ways through investment is crucial to tackling the global refugee crises.

Hadi Hariyanto
Challenges in the implementation of health information systems:
Learning from Bekasi District, Indonesia
According to Health Metric Network (HMN, World Health Organisation), Indonesia Health
Information System (HIS) to monitor Millineum Development Goals (MDGs) was “existent
but not functioning.” This non-optimal HIS implementation might have contributed to the
difficulty to achieve MDGs (e.g., reducing maternal mortality rate). Without a functional HIS,
Indonesia would have been complicated to measure the effectiveness of intervention
programs. Unfortunately, limited literature studies HIS implementation in Indonesian
healthcare organisations, particularly on how people and technology interact within a complex
organisational setting. In addressing this gap, I will present a sociotechnical analysis of HIS
implementation in Bekasi District, Indonesia.

Kalvin Sandabunga
Promoting Educational Community Service to Empower Papuan Children by Engaging Papuan Youth and Pre-Service Teachers
The government has invested much in improving the education quality in Papua. However, such improvement has not yet shown desired results. Based on the data from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the Human Development Index (IPM) in Papua is categorized among the low-performance category. This study investigates the effectiveness of Educational Community Service (ECS) as an alternative to formal education to empower Papuan future generations.

Agung Andiojaya
The Impact of Government Social Welfare Spending to Income Inequality Reduction in Indonesia
As the effort of Indonesia Government to reduce income inequality, social welfare spending programs has been refocused based on beneficiaries since 2012 through cluster programs. The main objection is to make the program more focus so that when it is focusing to the beneficiaries target, it can increase their income growth and at the end can reduce the income gap within population. In order to get better understanding on the cluster program impact effectiveness, this topic will explain about the analysis on the impact of social welfare spending by beneficiaries on income inequality in Indonesia.

Chris Benhard Armanda
Urban Infrastructure Development with Internet of Things (IoT) Technology
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has turned European cities into experiments to provide instantaneous information for its population and public service. Two examples of such cities are Santander, Spain and Padova, Italy. With 60% of the global population is expected to live within the urban areas by the year 2020, and specifically 56% of Indonesian population has already lived in cities in 2015.
This study proposes that such experiment should be replicated in an Indonesian city with similar population size. Cities such as Salatiga and Ternate are thought to be comparable with Santander and Padova respectively, as they have similar population size. A multi-purpose array of low-cost sensors are to be deployed in their Central Business Development area to collect data such as pollution index and road traffic. Such data will be collated into a data centre and shared with the relevant city’s governmental departments.
The current issues that may face this proposed solution are also discussed, including the current developments of telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia, the citizens’ possible reception to the solution, and the central government’s behaviour towards the IoT technology at large.

Kurniastuti Lestari
The challenges and the strategies in developing intercultural-communication competence in English as a lingua franca communication: a study of Indonesian post-graduate students in Victoria
For Indonesian students who live abroad, it is very challenging for them to live in a place which is resided by people coming from different countries and cultures. To communicate in English as a lingua franca (ELF) has posted some challenges for Indonesian students because they come from a country where English is neither the first nor second language. In addition, they must have the strategies to develop their intercultural communication competence (ICC), so they can interculturally engage in ELF communication. This study is to investigate (1) the challenges faced by the Indonesian students who live in Victoria when participating in an ELF communication and (2) their strategies to develop their ICC.

Gadis Kartika Pratiwi
Intracultural Communication between Deaf and Hearing People in Indonesia and the cultural conceptualisation of Deaf
The relationship between Deaf and hearing people in Indonesia, either it is intercultural or intracultural communication, is problematic. It constitutes a problem because it can be an intercultural communication since Deaf and hearing people acquire different first language. This research discusses intercultural and intracultural communication between those two communities and examine the cultural conceptualization of the word “Deaf.”

Dimaz Ankaa Wijaya
Tax Smart Contract
Taxation is one of the main pillars of Indonesian State Budget. As per 2017, the revenue was targeted
at nearly 1.5 quadrillion rupiahs. As much as 33 percent of that number comes from Value-Added
Tax (VAT). It is the tax payable for each purchased taxable goods or services within Indonesia territory.
The tax invoice plays an important role in VAT to determine the amount of tax owned by taxpayers.
But there is a problem regarding tax invoices that they are tax frauds by falsifying the tax invoices.
Tax Smart Contract (TSC) is a community-based initiative to provide an alternative solution to the
government. The purpose of the TSC project is to construct a working protocol to modernize the taxation technology in Indonesia. Two main fields have been chosen: blockchain-based electronic stamp duty (e-SD) and blockchain-based VAT system (e-VAT)

@2018 by ISDF.